Main ❯ Navigation & tracking systems ❯ uTrackDiver application: User’s manual
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uTrackDiver application User’s manual |
The 🤿 uTrackDiver application is designed to track the position of divers equipped with wireless voice communication diving stations RedPhone-DX.
Download the necessary software in advance. No installation is required - just unzip the contents of the archive to a location convenient for you.
We suggest starting your acquaintance with the application with its settings. The figure below shows a general view of the settings window; it can be called up by clicking the ‘⚙ SETTINGS’ button on the main toolbar of the main application window.
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Settings window controls |
1 - Indicator of using an additional source of navigation data (GNSS receiver), 2 - Drop-down list of port speed of an additional source of navigation data, 3 - Indicator of using the first buoy as an additional source of navigation data, 4 - List of servers-sources of map tiles, 5 - Button reset settings to default settings, 6 - Indicator for automatic selection of salinity (from the database), 7 - Input field for salinity, 8 - Indicator for auto-calculation of sound speed, 9 - Input field for sound speed, 10 - Input field for water temperature, 11 - Number of points track for display, 12 - Radial error threshold input field, 13 - Drop-down list for selecting the size of map tiles, 14 - Buttons for accepting settings and cancel |
The receiving radio modem is connected to the PC via a USB port. The application itself searches for a virtual serial port and does not require the user to specify any settings.
In some situations, it is convenient for the operator to see his own location on the map; this can be achieved in two ways: the first is to connect an additional GNSS receiver to the PC. In this case, the application needs to indicate that this method is used by checking the box 1 Use AUX GNSS. Also in this case, you need to specify the speed of the serial port at which the external GNSS receiver operates. The port itself does not need to be specified; the application will detect it itself.
If there is no external GNSS receiver, but the operator would like to see his own location on the map, you can use the second method: buoy No. 1 can be used as an external GNSS. This method has some limitations, for example, it is not always possible to position the operator next to the buoy; the buoys provide a limited set of navigation information compared to an external GNSS receiver. If this method is applicable to the current task, then you should check box 3 Base 1 as AUX GNSS Source. In this case, the checkbox in box 1 will be automatically unchecked.
The application allows you to display tracks on top of a map, the tiles of which can be downloaded via HTTPS. The Open Street Maps service is currently supported. Field 4 Tile servers indicates the server addresses, and field 13 Tile size indicates the size of the tiles in pixels. To download tiles, the application needs access to the Internet.
Button 5 SET DEFAULTS allows you to reset the settings to their default state.
Checkbox 6 Auto salinity means that the application will try to determine salinity from the database using the current geographic coordinates. The application contains a database of salinity of the surface of the world’s oceans in increments of 1 degree in latitude and longitude. Use this setting only in large bodies of water: seas and oceans. If you work in small inland reservoirs, it is recommended to uncheck 6 and set the appropriate water salinity value in field 7 Salinity, PSU. In most cases, for inland freshwater bodies, a value of 0 PSU is adequate. If you have accurate data on the salinity of the reservoir or it can be measured directly, you can also enter it in field 7. The salinity value is used to calculate the speed of sound.
Unchecking 7 Auto speed of sound and the corresponding field 9 Speed of sound, m/s allows you to set the application a known value for the speed of sound. If you have a direct measurement, otherwise it is recommended to set the checkbox to 7.
Field 10 Water temperature, °C allows you to specify the relevant water temperature value to the application. Water temperature is included in the calculation of the speed of sound if the 9 Auto speed of sound checkbox is checked. If you are measuring water temperature, it is recommended to take samples some distance from the surface.
Field 11 Track points to show tells the application how many points (calculated positions) for each track should be displayed simultaneously. This parameter affects display only. The application additionally stores all received points, which can then be saved.
Field 12 Radial error threshold, m indicates the radial error threshold (the value of the residual function at the end of solving the navigation problem), above which the calculated location is considered erroneous and discarded. It is recommended to set this value within 10 meters.
Buttons 14 OK and CANCEL are responsible for saving settings and canceling changes, respectively. After changing and saving the settings, the application will request a restart for the settings to take effect.
Let’s now look at the main application window. Its general view, indicating the main controls, is shown in the figure below.
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Main elements of the main application window |
1 - Main toolbar, 2 - Map toolbar, 3 - Map field, 4 - Additional information field, 5 - Log field, 6 - Diver list toolbar, 7 - Diver list, 8 - Track designation field, 9 - Scale bar , 10 - Panel of switches for the displayed parameters of divers, 11 - Status line |
ID | Description | Units of measurement | Range |
CRS | Course based on external GNSS data | ° | 0 .. 360 |
SPD | Speed according to external GNSS | km/h (m/s) | >= 0 |
LAT | Latitude according to external GNSS | ° | -90 .. 90 |
LON | Longitude according to external GNSS data | ° | -180 .. 180 |
STY | Salinity value (from settings or from database) | PSU | 0 .. 40 |
WTM | Water temperature value (from settings) | °C | -10 .. +40 |
SOS | Sound speed value (from settings or calculated) | m/s | 1300 .. 1600 |
B1V | Voltage of the built-in battery of buoy No. 1 | V | 10 .. 13 |
B2V | Voltage of the built-in battery of buoy No. 2 | V | 10 .. 13 |
B3V | Voltage of the built-in battery of buoy No. 3 | V | 10 .. 13 |
B4V | Voltage of the built-in battery of buoy No. 4 | V | 10 .. 13 |
B1M | Signal level on buoy No. 1 | dB | 14 .. 36 |
B2M | Signal level at buoy No. 2 | dB | 14 .. 36 |
B3M | Signal level at buoy No. 3 | dB | 14 .. 36 |
B4M | Signal level at buoy No. 4 | dB | 14 .. 36 |
ID | Description | Units of measurement | Range |
LAT | Calculated latitude | ° | -90 .. 90 |
LON | Calculated longitude | ° | -180 .. 180 |
RER | Radial error | m | 0 .. 99 |
DOP | Geometric factor reducing accuracy | - | - |
TBA | The quality of the relative position of the positioned object and reference points | - | - |
DST | Distance to diver from position according to external GNSS data | m | 0 .. 1500 |
AZM | Direction (course) towards the diver from the position according to external GNSS data | ° | 0 .. 360 |
RAZ | Reverse direction (course) from the diver to the position according to external GNSS data | ° | 0 .. 360 |
The most important parameters here are AZM, DST and RAZ: by azimuth and distance the operator can always understand where a particular diver is located relative to him, and he can report the RAZ parameter to the diver via voice communication, so that he, adhering to this course, can carry out the drive.
The display of various parameters is switched using the buttons on the panel (10). It should be understood that the parameters associated with the relative position of the diver and the surface point (range, forward and reverse course) can only be determined if there is an external source of navigation data - an external GNSS receiver that sets the system the location of the surface point for tracking divers or when the setting is turned on Base 1 as AUX GNSS - when all parameters are determined relative to buoy No. 1.