Communication protocol specification

Communication protocol specification


1. Introduction

1.1. Physical layer

Devices of Zima USBL underwater acoustic tracking system support data pairing using the RS-232 physical layer standard for asynchronous interface (UART) with a 3.3V data line voltage. The connection is made using a four-wire cable with Tx (transmitter), Rx (receiver), Vcc (power) and GND (ground) wires. Without the use of additional repeaters and interface converters, the maximum cable length, for which the correct operation of the interface is guaranteed, is no more than 2 meters.

Default port settings1:

Baudrate: 9600 bit/s
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: No
Hardware flow control: No

WARNING! Devices are powered by 12 Volt DC source, while the data line voltage is 3.3 V.

1.2. NMEA0183 Protocol standard

The NMEA0183 standard describes the format of text (ASCII) messages at the interactive level.

Sentence example: $PZMA0,0*hh<СR><LF>

Parts of a message (sentence) NMEА0183:

2. ZMA command system for Zima USBL system

The D2H prefix in the message name means that it is transmitted from the device (Device) to the host system (Host). The H2D prefix in the message name means that it is transmitted from the host system to the device.

2.1. IC_D2H_ACK

Device acknowledgement.

Format: $PTNT0,x*hh<CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  0 Sentence ID
1 errCode Error code (see 3.2.)
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Reads the value of the field. In response to this command, the device sends a message IC_D2H_FLD_VAL containing the value of the requested field in case of successful assignment and message IC_D2H_ACK with an error code, in case of an error.

Format: $PZMA1,xx,00*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  1 Sentence ID
1 Field ID Field identifier
2 Reserved Shall be ‘00’
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Sets the value of the field. In response to this command, the device sends a message IC_D2H_FLD_VAL containing the value of the requested field in in case of successful assignment and message IC_D2H_ACK with an error code, in case of an error.

Format: $PZMA2,x,x*hh<CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  2 Sentence ID
1 Field ID Field identifier
2 Field value Field value (0..99)
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Requested field value.

Format: $PZMA3,xx,xx,00*hh<CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  3 Sentence ID
1 Requested field ID Field identifier
2 Value Requested value
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Reads the value of local parameter.

Format: $PZMA4,xx,00*hh<CR><LF

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  4 Sentence ID
1 LocDataID Local parameter ID (see 3.3.)
2 Reserved Reserved, shall be ‘00’
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Sets the value of a local parameter.

Format: $PZMA5,xx,x.x*hh<CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  5 Sentence ID
1 LocDataID Local parameter identifier (see 3.3.)
2 LocDataValue New value to be set
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Value of the requested local parameter.

Format: $PZMA6,xx,x.x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  6 Sentence ID
1 LocDataID Local parameter identifier (see 3.3.)
2 LocDataValue Actual parameter value
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Service operation invokation.

Format: $PZMA7,xx,xx*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  7 Sentence ID
1 ActionID Service operation identifier (see 3.4.)
2 ActionParam Service operation parameter
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence

2.9 IC_D2H_LD

Navigation data (responder-beacon).

Format: $PZMAA,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  A Sentence ID
1 Azimuth Azimuth to the base station, °
2 Distance Slant range to the base station, m
3 MSR Main lobe to side-peak ratio, dB
4 Dpl Doppler shift, Hz
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


A request from the base station is received (responder-beacon).

Format: $PZMAB,x,x.x,x.x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  B Sentence ID
1 CommandID Request ID (see 3.5.)
2 MSR Main lobe to side-peak ratio, dB
3 Dpl Doppler shift, Hz
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Request to a remote responder-beacon.

Format: $PZMAС,x,x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  C Sentence ID
1 TargetID Address of a remote responder-beacon
2 RequestID Request ID (see 3.5.)
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Requested responder-beacon timeout exceeded.

Format: $PZMAD,x, x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  D Идентификатор сообщения
1 TargetID Address of the requested remote responder-beacon
2 RequestID Request identifier (see 3.5.)
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Station has received a response of a requested responder-beacon.

Format: $PZMAE, x,x,x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  E Sentence ID
1 TargetID Address of the requested remote responder-beacon
2 RequestID Request identifier (see 3.5.)
2 dFlag reserved
4 Azimuth Horizontal angle to the responder-beacon, °.
5 Distance Slant range to the responder-beacon, m
6 DataValue Value of the requested parameter
7 MSR Main lobe to side-peak ratio, dB
8 Dpl Doppler shift, Hz
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Station state.

Format: $PZMAF, x.x,x.x,x.x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  F Sentence ID
1 Temperature Water temperature, °С
2 Depth Depth of the base station, m
3 isAHRSEnabled reserved
4 TRX_State Transmitter/Receiver state
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence


Built-in inclinometer data*.

Format: $PZMAG, x.x,x.x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  G Sentence ID
1 Roll Roll, °. 0 - vertical, 0 .. +90 - to the right side, 0 .. -90 - to the left side
2 Pitch Pitch, °. 0 - vertical, 0 .. +90 - to bow, 0 .. -90 - to stern
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence

* For devices released after 09.2019


Request of a remote responder-beacon with transmission of a reverse azimiuth.

Format: $PZMAH,x,x,x*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  H Sentence ID
1 TargetAddress Address of a remote responder-beacon to request
2 RequestID Command (should be always CDS_DPT_GET (see 3.5.)
3 ReverseAzimuthToTheBase Reverse azimuth* from the responder-beacon to the base station
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence

* The azimuth value from the responder-beacon to the base station must be pre-calculated. When using the ZHost application, it happens automatically, if there is a connected system for determining the heading and position of the Zima-B antenna.


Device information.

Format: $PZMA!, c--c,x,c--c,x,x,c--c*hh <CR><LF>

Field/Parameter Description
  $ Sentence start ‘$’
  P Proprietary sentence
  ZMA Proprietery code ID
  ! Sentence ID
1 Sys_moniker System name
2 Sys_version System version
3 Device_Type Device type (see 3.1.)
4 Core_moniker Acoustic subsystem name
5 Core_version Acoustic subsystem version
6 Serial number Device serial number
  * NMEA checksum separator
  hh NMEA checksum
  <CR><LF> end of sentence

3. Identifiers

3.1 Device types

Value Name Description
0 DEV_BASE Zima-B base station
1 DEV_BCN Zima-R responder-beacon

3.2 Error codes

Value Name Description
0 NO_ERROR Request accepted
1 INVALID_SYNTAX Syntax error
2 UNSUPPORTED Request is not supported
3 TRANSMITTER_BUSY Transmitter is busy
4 ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE One or more arguments is out of range
5 INVALID_OPERATION Requested operation can not be performed at the moment
6 UNKNOWN_FIELD_ID Unknown/unsupported field ID
7 VALUE_UNAVAILIBLE Requested value is not available at the moment
8 RECEIVER_BUSY Receiver is busy
9 WAKE_UP Energy Saving Management. The responder-beacon sends an error message with this parameter immediately after waking up
10 STAND_BY Energy Saving Management. The responder-beacon an error message with this parameter before going to sleep

3.3 Local data identifiers

Value Name Description
0 DEVICE_INFO Device information
1 LOC_DATA_MAX_REMOTE_TIMEOUT Remote response timeout, msec
2 LOC_DATA_MAX_SUBSCRIBERS Max. number of responder-beacons (addresses)
3 LOC_DATA_PTS_PRESSURE Indications of the built-in pressure sensor, mBar
4 LOC_DATA_PTS_TEMPERATURE Indications of the built-in temperature sensor,˚С
5 LOC_DATA_PTS_DEPTH Depth of the device, m
6 LOC_DATA_CORE_TEMPERATURE CPU core temperature, ˚С
7 LOC_DATA_BAT_CHARGE Battery voltage, V
8 LOC_DATA_PRESSURE_RATING Max. allowed external hydrostatic pressure, Bar
9 LOC_DATA_ZERO_PRESSURE Pressure at the water surface, mBar
10 LOC_DATA_WATER_DENSITY Water density, kg/m3
11 LOC_DATA_SALINITY Water salinity, PSU
12 LOC_DATA_SOUNDSPEED Speed of sound, m/s
13 LOC_DATA_GRAVITY_ACC Gravity acceleration, m/s2

3.4 Service action identifiers

Value Name Description
0 LOC_INVOKE_FLASH_WRITE Save all settings in built-in flash memory
1 LOC_INVOKE_DPT_ZERO_ADJUST Set current pressure readings as a pressure at the water surface
2 LOC_INVOKE_SYSTEM_RESET Warm system reset
3 LOC_INVOKE_STAND_BY Go to sleep mode
4 LOC_INVOKE_UART_OFF Turn off the UART unit

3.5 Remote request identifiers

| Name | Value | Description | | :— | :— | :— | | CDS_PING | 361 | Ping | | CDS_DPT_GET | 362 | Remote responder-beacon depth | | CDS_STY_SET_0 | 363 | Set salinity 0 PSU | | CDS_STY_SET_1 | 364 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_2 | 365 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_3 | 366 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_4 | 367 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_5 | 368 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_6 | 369 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_7 | 370 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_8 | 371 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_9 | 372 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_10 | 373 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_11 | 374 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_12 | 375 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_13 | 376 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_14 | 377 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_15 | 378 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_16 | 379 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_17 | 380 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_18 | 381 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_19 | 382 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_20 | 383 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_21 | 384 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_22 | 385 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_23 | 386 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_24 | 387 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_25 | 388 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_26 | 389 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_27 | 390 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_28 | 391 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_29 | 392 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_30 | 393 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_31 | 394 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_32 | 395 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_33 | 396 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_34 | 397 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_35 | 398 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_36 | 399 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_37 | 400 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_38 | 401 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_39 | 402 | … | | CDS_STY_SET_40 | 403 | Set salinity 40 PSU | | CDS_SLP_SET_5960 | 404 | Set sleep mode: sleep 59 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_58_60 | 405 | Set sleep mode: sleep 58 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_56_60 | 406 | Set sleep mode: sleep 56 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_52_60 | 407 | Set sleep mode: sleep 52 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_50_60 | 408 | Set sleep mode: sleep 50 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_40_60 | 409 | Set sleep mode: sleep 40 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_30_60 | 410 | Set sleep mode: sleep 30 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_20_60 | 411 | Set sleep mode: sleep 20 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_10_60 | 412 | Set sleep mode: sleep 10 from 60 seconds | | CDS_SLP_SET_NEVER | 413 | Set sleep mode - always on | | CDS_BAT_CHG_GET | 414 | Battery voltage | | CDS_PTS_TMP_GET | 415 | Water temperature | | CDS_PTS_PRS_GET | 416 | External pressure | | CDS_CRE_TMP_GET | 417 | CPU core temperature | | CDS_SLP_GET | 418 | Sleep mode | | CDS_STY_GET | 419 | Salinity | | CDS_CMD_RSV_0 | 420 | Reserved | | CDS_CMD_RSV_1 | 421 | Reserved | | CDS_CMD_RSV_2 | 422 | Reserved | | CDS_CMD_RSV_3 | 423 | Reserved | | CDS_CMD_RSV_4 | 424 | Reserved | | CDS_CMD_RSV_5 | 425 | Reserved | | CDS_CMD_ZDPT_ADJ | 426 | Set current pressure readings as pressure at the water surface | | CDS_USR_CMD_0 | 427 | User command 0 | | CDS_USR_CMD_1 | 428 | User command 1 | | CDS_USR_CMD_2 | 429 | User command 2 | | CDS_USR_CMD_3 | 430 | User command 3 | | CDS_USR_CMD_4 | 431 | User command 4 | | CDS_USR_CMD_5 | 432 | User command 5 | | CDS_USR_CMD_6 | 433 | User command 6 | | CDS_USR_CMD_7 | 434 | User command 7 | | CDS_USR_CMD_8 | 435 | User command 8 | | CDS_USR_CMD_9 | 436 | User command 9 | | CDS_USR_CMD_10 | 437 | User command 10 | | CDS_USR_CMD_11 | 438 | User command 11 | | CDS_USR_CMD_12 | 439 | User command 12 | | CDS_USR_CMD_13 | 440 | User command 13 | | CDS_USR_CMD_14 | 441 | User command 14 | | CDS_USR_CMD_15 | 442 | User command 15 | | CDS_USR_CMD_16 | 443 | User command 16 | | CDS_USR_CMD_17 | 444 | User command 17 | | CDS_USR_CMD_18 | 445 | User command 18 | | CDS_USR_CMD_19 | 446 | User command 19 | | CDS_USR_CMD_20 | 447 | User command 20 | | CDS_USR_CMD_21 | 448 | User command 21 | | CDS_USR_CMD_22 | 449 | User command 22 | | CDS_USR_CMD_23 | 450 | User command 23 | | CDS_USR_CMD_24 | 451 | User command 24 | | CDS_USR_CMD_25 | 452 | User command 25 | | CDS_USR_CMD_26 | 453 | User command 26 | | CDS_USR_CMD_27 | 454 | User command 27 | | CDS_USR_CMD_28 | 455 | User command 28 | | CDS_USR_CMD_29 | 456 | User command 29 | | CDS_USR_CMD_30 | 457 | User command 30 | | CDS_USR_CMD_31 | 458 | User command 31 | | CDS_USR_CMD_32 | 459 | User command 32 | | CDS_RESERVED_0 | 460 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_1 | 461 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_2 | 462 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_3 | 463 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_4 | 464 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_5 | 465 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_6 | 466 | Reserved | | CDS_RESERVED_7 | 467 | Reserved | | CDS_SET_ADDR_01 | 468 | Set address 1 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_02 | 469 | Set address 2 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_03 | 470 | Set address 3 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_04 | 471 | Set address 4 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_05 | 472 | Set address 5 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_06 | 473 | Set address 6 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_07 | 474 | Set address 7 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_08 | 475 | Set address 8 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_09 | 476 | Set address 9 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_10 | 477 | Set address 10 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_11 | 478 | Set address 11 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_12 | 479 | Set address 12 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_13 | 480 | Set address 13 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_14 | 481 | Set address 14 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_15 | 482 | Set address 15 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_16 | 483 | Set address 16 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_17 | 484 | Set address 17 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_18 | 485 | Set address 18 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_19 | 486 | Set address 19 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_20 | 487 | Set address 20 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_21 | 488 | Set address 21 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_22 | 489 | Set address 22 | | CDS_SET_ADDR_23 | 490 | Set address 23 | | CDS____0 | 491 | Reserved | | CDS__1 | 492 | Reserved | | CDS__2 | 493 | Reserved | | CDS__3 | 494 | Reserved | | CDS__4 | 495 | Reserved | | CDS__5 | 496 | Reserved | | CDS__6 | 497 | Reserved | | CDS__7 | 498 | Reserved | | CDS____8 | 499 | Reserved | | CDS_ERR_NSUPP | 500 | Error - request is not supported | | CDS_ERR_NAVAIL | 501 | Error - requested data is not available at the moment | | CDS_ERR_RES_0 | 502 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_RES_1 | 503 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_RES_2 | 504 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_RES_3 | 505 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_RES_4 | 506 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_RES_5 | 507 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_RES_6 | 508 | Error - reserved | | CDS_ERR_BAT_LOW | 509 | Low battery voltage |

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